
Showing posts from August, 2018


Fashion design Fashion design  is the  art  of applying  design ,  aesthetics  and natural beauty to  clothing  and its  accessories . It is influenced by cultural and social attitudes, and has varied over time and place. Fashion designers work in a number of ways in designing clothing and accessories such as bracelets and necklaces. Because of the time required to bring a garment onto the market, designers must at times  anticipate changes to consumer tastes .                               A fashion designer (right) walks with a model wearing a  bridal dress  created by her, 2018. Designers conduct research on fashion trends and interpret them for their audience. Their specific designs are used by manufacturers. This is the essence of a designer’s role; however, there is variation within this that is determined by the buying and merchandising approach, and product quality; for example, budget retailers will use inexpensive fabrics to interpret trends, but high-end retaile


Being a fashion designer ….  What does it mean?  Searching for the upcoming trends?  Being the most creative?  Changing the rules of the game? People have different opinions, but quite rarely the word Routine ever comes to the list. ​ Unfortunately many designers don't receive a chance to become  creative and commercial at the same time. Either one or another. The world is competitive like never before and in order to make the  dreams come true , you have to use any possibility to make a statement about your talent. "Fashion World" is a contest for creative people from all over the world to express their positive feelings, emotions, ideas and recollections about their country through fashion designs. The contestants should create illustrations of a piece of clothing or a full look united under the topic “My Country”, add the description on how they came to the presented styles and which emotions inspired them for creation, an
Uses of Motif in Fashion Industry and Development Introduction Admittedly the creation of things for use is the basic motivating force in the practical operations of man. But amazingly his endeavors have never been merely utilitarian. An unconscious desire to beautify all that he has or does has led him to seek the elements of beauty and to integrate them with the purpose of his living. Since, the day man began to give shape to the materials provided by nature for meeting his rudimentary requirements, he has never been able to resist the inward urge to adorn and beautify his possessions and surroundings. All these efforts has led to the creation of motifs from different origins, organizing them in suitable layouts. This gave the uniqueness to the motifs used in traditional Indian textiles