
Showing posts from October, 2017

Types of Motifs

Types of Motifs Geometric, Natural, Abstract, Stylized Motif is the most basic unit with the help of which a design or a composition is made. Motifs are often inspired from nature and are also closely linked to natural, cultural, religious and social-economic factors prevailing in any society. A motif is the most basic unit or the smallest unit of pattern. Motifs are repeated in different ways to create patterns and these patterns are repeated to create a design. Motif has a distinct identity of its own in a pattern or design. Each motif is generally developed from a geometrical shape or a combination of different geometrical shapes. Classification of Motifs  The motifs or units of a textile design may be classified as  • Geometric • Realistic or Natural  • Stylized • Abstract Geometric Motifs  These motifs include lines in various forms, such as vertical, horizontal, diagonal and curved. They form fabric designs, such as stripes, plaids, checks and circles an